Editor’s Note: This piece first appeared back in September of 2017. I’m re-running it today because things have changed…but that may not make us safer. As Trump slides from power, he and his supporters may become increasingly hysterical. So, as then so today, watch your backs, folks. There could be serious craziness to come.  …

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It might have been a slow news week, what with the President of the United States having been impeached for only the third time in history. Because never mind that – the whole internet is apparently losing its shit over Joe Rogan supporting Bernie Sanders. Really, this is a comment on how ludicrously crooked the…

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Among the distressingly many candidates running for as nomination as the Democrat’s pick for president, one of the more remarkable is Andrew Yang. A complete political novice, though a high-tech business success, Yang is unusual among the candidates in that he bases his political program on what might be called futurism. He sees an America…

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I’m not the original author of the below text. Someone posted it on social media tagged as “unknown author”, but it was too perfect of a breakdown, not to share.  I feel it really accurately depicts the mentality of the Republican Trump supporters out there. Enjoy.  Sue gets up at 6 a.m. and fills her…

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By Michael Jay Tucker There was an interesting article over on the Washington Post last week, “First-time, liberal candidates are flooding the Democratic primaries,” by Kevin Schaul and Kevin Uhrmacher. It seems, say the authors, that hundreds (maybe thousands) of liberals are entering the Democratic primaries. For the first time in a long while, it…

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