Editor’s Note: Liberal Resistance does not yet endorse any of the candidates for the presidency. However, individual writers can and do have their preferences. Today, David McElhaney explains why he feels Democrats should take both Biden and Warren more seriously. One morning on NPR they interviewed voters for the Caucus in Iowa and a voter…

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With so many negative events in our lives these days, it’s not easy to sort through it all and organize it into some kind of logical treatise.  Especially when one of my advanced age whose utterances can bring a dismissal like, “Oh, don’t bother with what she has to say, old people are out of…

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The primaries were yesterday (8/14/2018) so I hope you all made it out to vote as I did. Every little bit is needed to set us up for success in the November midterm. It looks like we are off to a good start in ramping up for that, and there being a number of progressive…

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