Schumer sets ambitious infrastructure work goals, threatening to shorten August break. Congress is mostly back from the July 4th recess this week, with the Senate in session and the House having a “committee work week,” which means there are no votes happening in the House, but the committees will be working. They’ll be working on appropriations bills. The Senate is going to deal with nominations and, of course, infrastructure.

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer informed colleagues that he has an ambitious timetable for the next few weeks: to get both the bipartisan infrastructure bill—which as of yet is not in legislative text—and a budget resolution that includes reconciliation instructions for infrastructure dealt on the floor. In a letter to Senate Democrats Friday, Schumer warned that “time is of the essence and we have a lot of work to do.”

He said that he wants votes the week of July 19—next week. “Senators should be prepared for the…
