Fun article over on Quora the other day. Someone asked “Why are people so hostile towards President Donald Trump?” And here was a brilliant answer from “Chris O’Leary, former 10 years of Active Duty at U.S. Marine Corps (1989-2000).” Mr. O’Leary, who is anything but a Liberal Snowflake, goes into detail about just how much…

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So, the other day, I found myself asking Martha, my wife, a very stupid question. That’s not unusual, of course. Stupid questions are among the things I do best. But, my particular question involved Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the young and articulate New York Rep. At the time, she had just recently gone back to her old…

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Meditating today on what I hope will be the fortuitous demise of our Commander-in-Chief Bungler, I found myself wandering through the pages of a work by that late nineteenth, early twentieth century American wit, Ambrose Bierce: The Devil’s Dictionary. Here is an entry I found astoundingly relevant: ABDICATION, n. An act whereby a sovereign attests…

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