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Why is the idea of ‘gender’ provoking backlash the world over? | Judith Butler. Increasingly, authoritarians are likening ‘genderism’ to ‘communism’ and ‘totalitarianism’In June, the Hungarian parliament voted overwhelmingly to eliminate from public schools all teaching related to “homosexuality and gender change”, associating LGBTQI rights and education with pedophilia and totalitarian cultural politics. In late May, Danish MPs passed a resolution against “excessive activism” in academic research environments, including gender studies, race theory, postcolonial and immigration studies in their list of culprits. In December 2020, the supreme court in Romania struck down a law that would have forbidden the teaching of “gender identity theory” but the debate there rages on. Trans-free spaces in Poland have been declared by transphobes eager to purify Poland of corrosive cultural influences from the US and the UK. Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul… https://ift.tt/3C82J1h

source https://www.facebook.com/usaprogressive/photos/a.918883178274165/2098326230329848/?type=3

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