Famous idiot and current President Donald Trump is obsessed with building a wall along America’s Southern border. You might have heard him mention it in rallies, press conferences, tweets, and any time he feels like it, regardless of context. Now that Trump has released prototypes of his wall and declared it impossible to climb, professional…

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As far as I understand it, a couple of years ago, a bunch of good, hard workin’, Bud Light drinkin’, God fearin’, book mistrustin’, bumper sticker ownin’ ‘Muricans got tired of all those Mexicans coming into the US and taking everyone’s jobs, so they elected a two-bit orange con man to build a big wall…

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You have to hand it to Trump supporters; they’re nothing if not tenacious. In a battle with reality, logic, facts and basic human decency, they’ve been losing since the start and yet still stubbornly refuse to go down. Refusing to admit defeat does not seem to be in the mental playbook of Trump supporter Rod…

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