If you cast your mind back to the halcyon days of 2016, it’s just about possible to catch the last lingering sense of optimism.  Back then, Britain – reeling from the shock of the narrowly decided Brexit vote – and America, stunned by the wafer thin victory which gave Trump the White House, had a…

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 Tony Blair once privately complained that Britain is a country that doesn’t like success.  Which is an odd thing to complain about, as a huge chunk of Britain would view Tony Blair as a failure, which means, by his own logic, that he should be held in great esteem by his people.  He’s not, of…

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One of the many, many unpleasant things about the rightwards trend in modern politics is that we have to engage with things we’d rather not. The Nazis were unpleasant enough when they were just the bad guys in an Indiana Jones movie; now that they’re walking through the streets with placards it’s all a bit…

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Every so often, as a British person, I get asked how Brexit is working out. An emotionally honest response would just involve baffled, terrified screaming for the next several minutes, but British reserve dictates that I simply shift uncomfortably and say “Not very well.” The normal state of Brexit is that nobody understands what is…

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