Maybe this type of thing hits closer to home for me because I’m a dad and I know my little boy will be in the American public school system in just a year when he goes to kindergarten but, this new trending hashtag on Twitter, #IfIDieInASchoolShooting, is about the saddest and most sobering thing I’ve…

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Following this past week’s tragic school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, Oliver North – the president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) decided to try and blame the school shootings that have been happening in the US on boys living in a “culture where violence is commonplace” and where they are all…

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It’s been a busy week, unfortunately. Among the many things we’re watching on the web are: There’s been another school shooting, this time at a Texas high school. At the moment, we’re hearing that there are eight dead, but it could go higher or lower. That noise you hear in the background is the NRA…

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By Anti Fascist A new study that was presented this week to the Pediatric Academic Society by the Children’s National Health System in Washington D.C., shows that throughout the US, the stricter a state’s gun laws the lower the amount of children dying from gun related deaths. I’m sure this shocks everyone as much as…

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This one is …complicated. It is going to be about the NRA, in all its glory, but also about a science fiction story that I read years and years ago. It…I mean the story…was all about dying. Which means that it had a certain prescience to it. As the best of science fiction often does.…

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   Parkland student hits media giant Fox News with a Phone Protest…and kills advertising income. By Marc Keyser, author of This sensational news event is a modern day a David and Goliath saga. Fox News star Laura Ingraham, who is famous for her propaganda supporting President Trump’s authoritarian regime, fearlessly attacked a teenage Parkland Survivor,…

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By Marc Keyser Force Congress to pass gun control… just cost them MONEY.     LOVE THINE ENEMY Call Bank of America 954-227-6696 shower them with love, jam their phones, cost them MONEY to Force Congress to pass common-sense gun laws… in a hell of a hurry. A million people marched on Washington in support of the…

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When I was a little boy, I was very fond of giant monster movies. You know the sort. The ones with men in rubber suits pretending to be a hundred feet tall. Later, of course, I realized how ridiculous they were. But, at the time, they seemed genuinely terrifying. And I was always a sucker…

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As the NRA is fond of reminding us, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is, somehow, a school teacher with a gun. Not any old school teacher, of course. THAT would just be madness. Only specially trained teachers who were already combat hardened gunslingers. You can tell this was a…

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Today I went to the site of the Parody Project on Youtube. I went hoping to get a quick laugh. The Project does amazingly funny videos which combine really great music with pointed social commentary. My favorite may be “Confounds The Science,” which sounds like “The Sound Of Silence,” while actually mocking Trump’s rejection of…

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