Now that Jeff Sessions, our former Attorney General, has been gone for a while, maybe it is time to give him a second look. Maybe it is time to even give credit where credit is due. Yes, admittedly, he is not attractive individual. Physically, there is something of the weasel or the rodent about him—…

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It seems I owe the Trump administration in general, and Jeff Sessions in particular, an apology. You see, I had assumed that what Trump & Co. genuinely worshipped was Money—or, if you prefer Biblical language, Mammon. As in “you may serve God or Mammon, but not both.” And given the Trump kleptocracy… But now I…

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Children torn from the arms of their parents and encaged, along with other young castaways, under the pretense of following the law. Law? Whose law? This president’s law? This Attorney General’s law? This Secretary of Homeland Security’s law? And presuming that it is the law, what law has been broken? Seeking asylum by attempting illegal…

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There have been an amazing number of fascinating stories on the web this week. That is not a good thing. With Donald Trump in the White House, there is always something insane to report. So, take a moment, and check out some of the following: As we all know now, Trump dissed Justin Trudeau, but…

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