Following this past week’s tragic school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, Oliver North – the president of the National Rifle Association (NRA) decided to try and blame the school shootings that have been happening in the US on boys living in a “culture where violence is commonplace” and where they are all…

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On Friday 5-11-2018 Mary Fallin, the Governor of Oklahoma, had to veto a bill that, were it passed would have set a very dangerous precedent for the rest of the right wing states out there. The bill was going to allow gun ownership with no licensing. This bill “had broad support in the state’s Republican-controlled…

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There is a fascinating article over on the Guardian site, Fred Guttenberg will not sit down: Florida father demands gun reform by Lois Beckett. Guttenberg was, alas, one of the parents who lost a child in the Parkland shooting. But, now, notes Ms. Beckett, he is after justice. He has thrown himself in the struggle…

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We’re Just Whistling Past the Graveyard if We Don’t Focus on Defeating Republicans at Every Level By Michael E. Berumen In the wake of the most recent school shooting tragedy in Florida, there is the customary hue and cry of media cognoscenti, gun control activists, and many politicians professing outrage. Social media are abuzz with…

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