According to Chaos Theory, a simple set of rules cannot be imposed on a complex system without causing a catastrophic breakdown. Many of you will know this if you’ve ever tried to open a dinosaur safari park. A slightly more contemporary example can be see in Britain’s continued pursuit of the racist pipe dream that…

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Today President Trump has his private pow-wow session with President Putin of Russia. Never minding the traitorous implications of insisting there be no other American’s in the private 2 hour discussion; upon completion, President Trump had some new things to say about the Russia interference in the 2016 Presidential election. With Trump’s pending ties to…

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Vice President Pence (aka. Trump’s bitch) is attempting to rush the Russia probe investigation urging that Mueller “wrap up” the investigation. His wording attempts to frame it in a manner that suggests that it’s in the best interest of the country to end the investigation, but in reality until there’s proof or not, what’s in…

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