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Libby Watson Smacks Shelly Adelson Upside The Head

Thinking slow and brain function problems concept as a human organ in a snail shell as a mental health symbol for struggling with memory and dementia as alzheimer or neurology challenges.

There’s a lovely article over on Splinter at the moment. In Crumbling Old Man Gives $30 Million to Save Crumbling Old Party, Libby Watson gives us a depressing portrait of a depressing man, Sheldon Adelson, who has spent most of his life and many millions of dollars in an attempt to remake America in his own rather terrifying image.

She notes that Adelson has just given “ $30 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund, the House Republican super PAC, in an effort to save the party’s majority.” This enormous sum, while still quite small in terms of Adelson’s fortune, will double “the CLF’s cash on hand.”

The article makes interesting reading not only because of the subject matter, but because Watson pulls no punches. She makes sure you understand exactly what she feels about Adelson, and doesn’t care who knows it.


Quick personal aside: When I was a trade press journalist in the computer field, Mr. Adelson’s name loomed large over my profession—not because he had anything to do with computers, but because as a casino and hotel magnate, he had enormous influence over where and when our most important conferences and trade shows could be held. The rumor was that he, or at least some of his people, didn’t much care for computer people or those who wrote about them. We didn’t spend enough, or gamble enough, or drink enough…

We were such a disappointment. Sad, really.

Michael Jay Tucker: Michael Jay Tucker is the “sort of volunteer editor” of LR Net. He is also a writer and journalist who has written on topics ranging from the Jazz Age to computers. (Among his small claims to fame is that he interviewed Steve Jobs just after that talented if complicated man got kicked out of Apple, and just before the company’s Board came begging him to come back.)
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