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Fox Hunting

   Parkland student hits media giant Fox News with a
Phone Protest…and kills advertising income.

By Marc Keyser, author of TheResistance.blog

This sensational news event is a modern day a David and Goliath saga.

Fox News star Laura Ingraham, who is famous for her propaganda supporting President Trump’s authoritarian regime, fearlessly attacked a teenage Parkland Survivor, a young man aptly named David Hogg. She never imagining the young lad might attack Fox News with an army of student activists.

Young David took aim and hit Fox News with a skull-splitting Phone Protest that just killed advertising revenue. Yesterday, Fox News was gold mine. Today, Fox News is a radioactive waste site where corporations foolish enough to advertise can spend huge sums of money only to invite the great and growing multitude of phone protesters to call and destroy their business.

Fox News Laura Ingraham tweeted “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it.” [sic]

David tweeted to his 709K supporters to join a Phone Boycott of advertisers who support her show, the Ingraham Angle. The tweet named the leading advertisers and gave his followers the green light to start calling them. Thousands started calling and two days later a third of the advertisers – as I write – had pulled their advertising. The list is growing and the financial losses keep mounting for Fox News.

David just cracked the thick skull of media giant Fox News.

The list of companies announcing that they are cancelling their ads includes: Nutrish, the pet food line created by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, travel website TripAdvisor Inc, online home furnishings seller Wayfair Inc, the world’s largest packaged food company, Nestle SA, online streaming service Hulu, travel website Expedia Group Inc and online personal shopping service Stitch Fix.

Ingraham announced she will be taking a “pre-planned vacation,” which is reminiscent of former Fox host Bill O’Reilly’s own “pre-planned vacation” before being ousted from the network after his advertisers jumped ship in similar fashion.

The question is: will Fox News fire Ingraham?

Will Ingraham return? That would depend on just how much advertising money Fox is willing to lose before stock holders start panic selling.

If Fox fires Laura Ingraham to save their advertising revenue, will David call off his army of Phone Protesters and let Fox News continue to spew their vicious lies?… or will the Phone Boycott spread to the rest of Fox News advertisers, killing revenue, and forcing Fox News off the air?  If the Phone Protest continues will it spread globally to the rest of Rupert Murdock’s media empire? Are Fox News days number?

A Tweeter named the UnSilentMajority posted this comment:

A Millionaire working for Billion dollar corporation attacks innocent child survivor of a horrific school shooting & for the first time the victim attacks back. The only precedent set here is…we will not be bullied anymore. Get the hell out of here with this garbage.”

Fox News just turned toxic for advertisers.

Forward thinking corporations would be wise to choose not to spend thousands of dollars advertising only to have the Phone Protest spread to their phones and do irreparable damage to their business. Smart investors with their stock publicly traded don’t want a whole generation of young consumers to turn on them and make their brand a pariah. And they really don’t want a huge, howling mob of phone protesters wreaking havoc on their day-to-day operation causing their stock to crash. Do they?

Fox News tried to push the boy David around, and now the Resistance is pushing back.

“I think it’s great that corporate America is standing with me,” David says of his call for advertisers to boycott Laura Ingraham’s show, “They cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives.”

Young David pilloried Fox News host Laura Ingraham, declining to accept her apology. “She’s only apologizing after a third of her advertisers pulled out, and I think it’s really disgusting, the fact that she basically tried promoting her show after apologizing to me,” David, 17, said on CNN’s “New Day.” “If she really wants to do something, she could cover inner-city violence and the real issues that we have in America.”

The problem with Fox News is not limited to the Laura Ingraham segment.

She is only one of the paid professional liars featured on Fox News. Fox is full of Nazi propagandist, spreading false conspiracy theories, perverting the truth in support of the Trump agenda. Ingraham got called out for attacking the wrong high school student at the wrong time.

Laura Ingraham- the vicious Fox News attack dog- just swallowed the porcupine.

Ingraham prefers to attacks people who can’t fight back. What she didn’t see coming is David has an army of 709K followers on Twitter and a few million supporters armed with smartphones who can not only call and protest but social network and activate millions to join in calling and crush the telecommunications of companies foolish enough to advertise on Fox News.

As the boycott spreads, TV networks that carry Fox News might find protesters picketing outside their stations and calling their own advertisers.

Advertisers face a new, unexpected threat to their business.

The last thing on earth any advertiser wants is a block-chain Phone Protest against them with an army of tech-savvy-pissed-off-activists armed with smartphones calling by the thousands, jamming their phones and disrupting their business, costing them money, trashing their brand among young consumers, and activating activists to join the protest to paralyze their business and crash their stock… leaving them with no recourse except unconditional surrender… or bankruptcy.

The cautionary tale of First National Bank of Omaha and Parkland Student Protesters.

After the shooting at the Parkland high school that left 17 dead and 15 wounded, the teenage survivors went to the funerals of their friends. But instead of remaining silent, they stood up and took on the NRA and the politicians in Washington taking money from the NRA who refuse to pass common-sense gun laws.

Led by David and Emma González, Parkland students took to the phones calling First Nation Bank to demand that the bank stop sponsoring NRA credit cards. In under ten days with around 4,000 calls a day, First National Bank caved. They saw the hand writing on the wall. If the phone protest continued, the growing volume of calls could put them out of business.

Seeing what the Phone Protest did to First National Bank of Omaha, other companies wanted out. Delta, United Airlines, Best Western cut ties with the NRA. Along with airlines, car rental giants Avis, Hertz and Enterprise, the Best Western hotel chain, and the global insurance company MetLife. More than a dozen other corporations have severed affiliations with the NRA and number of desertions is growing.

First National Bank of Omaha dumped the NRA and other big corporations followed suit. Why? Because a Phone Protest only gets bigger and more damaging to business the longer it goes on… The growing volume of calls and the negative publicity could have bankrupted First National Bank.

In two days, the Phone Protest devasted Fox News

On Wednesday night, David tweeted his followers to call and pressure advertisers to cut ties with Ingraham’s TV show. By the end of Thursday, at least nine companies had announced they were pulling their ads. Friday night Ingraham announced she is leaving for vacation…

Several companies pulling their advertising criticized the Fox News host.

“As a company, we support open dialogue and debate on issues,” a spokeswoman for the home goods retailer Wayfair said. “However, the decision of an adult to personally criticize a high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values.” …

… and we don’t want this plague on our phones.

What the companies did not mention is Fox News has become toxic for advertisers spending thousands, millions of dollars to promote their products. If advertisers get caught in the growing Phone Protest, they become contaminated. They could be the next target, and the Phone Protest could be the death of their business. Why spends thousands on advertising that might kill your business and cash your stock?  

Ingraham apologized Thursday afternoon, attributing it to “reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week.” She also invited David to appear on her show “anytime for a productive discussion.”

David declined her offer.

Since Laura Ingraham claims to be a Christian, she must know that hypocrisy is a sin, lying is a sin; but the greatest sin is serving Donald Trump, who is the Devil incarnate, as though this evil dictator is the new Christ. If Laura cannot recognize the difference between good and evil, between Christ and this corrupt dictator in the White House, and she does not repent, she could be taking eternity off to burn in the unquenchable fires of hell… according the Word of God.

David praised “corporate America” for “standing with me and the rest of my friends,” and accused Ingraham of creating a distraction.

“It is important that we stand together as corporate and civic America and show them that they cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives,” he said. “And when people try to distract, like what Laura is trying to do right now, from what the real issue is, which is gun violence in America, it’s not only sad, it’s just wrong.”

“I am not the issue here,” David went on. “The issue is gun violence in America, but she is trying to distract from that, and I hate it.”

What’s really going on?

David has risen up as the leader of the Student Movement and now the Resistance. He is the spear of the attack on the establishment, the NRA, Fox News, and the corrupt politicians in Washington. David has activated an army of activists and shown us how to weaponize our smartphones to block-chain protest on a massive scale and bring down a corrupt corporation like Fox News. He has empowered us to march not just in the streets but on the phones and take on the NRA and Fox News where they are most vulnerable.  

If Ingraham resigns or is fired, will David call off the Phone Protest?

Now that we are in a position of advantage, will David stop at taking Ingraham off the air? Or will he take Nazi propagandist Sean Hannity, and Fox and Friends off the air as well and crush these scorpions under foot? Or will David lead Phone Protest forward until we destroy Fox News and send a chilling message to the NRA and to Congress?

It’s great that these kids are relentlessly screwing over big business and the Right. It’s almost like if you screw the younger generation over relentlessly, they have nothing to lose and stop being afraid…


Support the Fox News Phone Protest…Keep calling FOX Advertising Dep. 888-369-4762 Mob phones, disrupt business as usual, cost them money in lost revenue from advertisers. Demonstrate in front of TV stations that carry Fox News and call their advertisers.

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