Today the Trump administration is announcing a rule for family planning clinics that provide safe care for women’s reproductive health like Planned Parenthood. This rule will restrict federal funding for any clinic that performs abortions as a form of family planning. It takes it a step further as well. The rule also states that funding…

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There’s a lovely article over on Splinter at the moment. In Crumbling Old Man Gives $30 Million to Save Crumbling Old Party, Libby Watson gives us a depressing portrait of a depressing man, Sheldon Adelson, who has spent most of his life and many millions of dollars in an attempt to remake America in his…

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Regular readers of my column (all three of them) will notice I’ve been absent from the site, lately. This was due to taking a long road trip around the highlands of Scotland. It’s been two weeks and, in case you can’t tell, I’m back. Unfortunately, due to the rollercoaster pace of news these days, two…

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We were saddened to learn of the death of the writer Tom Wolfe. If you are of a certain age (which we are) then you knew him as one of the genuinely great wits of the 1960s and 1970s. There was very little which was ridiculous in either the pop or high culture that escaped…

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With all of the blustering about nuclear disarmament and with the actions of President Trump in regards to Iran and all the happenings with North Korea, you would think things would be starting to deescalate in the nuclear development world. You would think this, but you would be wrong. In fact, “the initiatives in the…

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So whatever happened to Anastasia Vashukevich? You will remember her. She’s the Belarusian woman who was arrested in Thailand with her “trainer,” Alex Lesley, and claimed to have recordings of Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who was also a long-term associate of Paul Manafort, chatting with his friends about ways to influence the American…

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On Friday 5-11-2018 Mary Fallin, the Governor of Oklahoma, had to veto a bill that, were it passed would have set a very dangerous precedent for the rest of the right wing states out there. The bill was going to allow gun ownership with no licensing. This bill “had broad support in the state’s Republican-controlled…

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And the week offers us our usual collection of news, for good, bad, and Trump. Among the stories we’re following are: Over on Vox, we read Trump tells 57,000 Hondurans who’ve lived in the US for 20 years to get out by Dara Lind. It seems that our dear and glorious orange-headed duce is kicking…

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Yes, Donald Trump really is thinking about organizing a space patrol. Writing in The Washington Post, John Wagner notes that, “President Trump mused again Tuesday about adding a new branch of the military — a Space Force — and this time made clear he is thinking seriously about it.” Apparently, he said as much during…

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Vice President Pence (aka. Trump’s bitch) is attempting to rush the Russia probe investigation urging that Mueller “wrap up” the investigation. His wording attempts to frame it in a manner that suggests that it’s in the best interest of the country to end the investigation, but in reality until there’s proof or not, what’s in…

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